The best way to explain a chakra is that they are like a whirling, vortex-like, powerhouse of energy. Literally translated from Hindi it means ‘Wheel of spinning Energy’.

Within our bodies, we have seven of these major energy centres and many more minor ones. The major seven are the centers in our bodies through which life energy (Chi) flows.

It is the blocked energy in any or several of our seven main chakras that can often lead to illness. It is important therefore to understand what each represents and what we can do to keep this energy flowing freely.

airbenders chakraChakras can be thought of as invisible, rechargeable batteries. Stress, emotional or physical problems sometimes cause them to become blocked. This prevents recharging.

If the body’s ‘energy system’ can not flow freely it is likely that problems will occur. The consequence of irregular energy flow may result in physical illness and discomfort or a sense of being mentally and emotionally out of balance.

Chakra Balancing

Contact us to discuss Balancing your Chakras and Clearing your Aura.

Chakras are energy centers within the human body that correspond to different aspects of our physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being. There are seven main chakras, each associated with a specific color and located along the spine.

The Root Chakra (red) grounds us and represents stability and security. The Sacral Chakra (orange) governs creativity and sexuality. The Solar Plexus Chakra (yellow) links to personal power and self-esteem. The Heart Chakra (green) embodies love, compassion, and healing. The Throat Chakra (blue) relates to communication and self-expression. The Third Eye Chakra (indigo) enhances intuition and inner wisdom. The Crown Chakra (violet) connects us to higher consciousness and spiritual awareness.

When these chakras are balanced, energy flows freely, promoting holistic well-being. Imbalances or blockages in the chakras can lead to physical or emotional disturbances. Practices such as meditation, yoga, and energy healing aim to harmonize and align these vital energy centers for overall vitality and harmony.