The origin of Reiki goes back several thousand years with old roots in Tibet. A Japanese Buddhist Dr. Mikao Usui re-discovered the technique. He then developed Reiki to its modern form and application in the late 19th century.
Reiki is an ancient Japanese hands-on energy healing technique. Most of all it is a technique for relaxation and stress reduction that also promotes healing.
All through the history of mankind healing methods have always existed. These are methods which were based on the transfer of a universal, all-pervasive life energy. Especially relevant, the same energy which brings about all life in the universe, and nourishes it.
Origin Energy
Many races, cultures, and religions are aware of the existence of an origin energy. Especially relevant are those which corresponds to the meaning of ki.
Chi – China. Holy Ghost – Christians. Prana – Hindu. Ka – Egyptians. Pneuma – Greek. Baraka – Sufi. Jesod – Kabbalha. Healing power of nature – Hippocrates. Fluid of life – Alchemists. Bioplasmis energy – Russian researches. …
“Disease will never be cured or eradicated by present materialistic methods, for the simple reason that disease in its origin is not material. What we know as disease is … the end product of deep and long acting forces.” – Dr. Edward Bach (1886 – 1936)
Hawayo Takata, born of Japanese parents in Hawaii, introduced Reiki in the Western world. She did this pre-World War II initially. And then again more noticeably in the 1970s.
Reiki is the age-old art of “palm healing”. Furthermore Reiki is today one of the more widely known and practiced forms of energy healing. It involves the direct application of Chi for the purpose of increasing the strength of the Aura – the body’s energy system. Most of all it is a healing. One that brings back into balance the energy of our body, mind and spirit.
Reiki is “Spiritually guided Life-force Energy”. So made of two Japanese words. “Rei” meaning “Universal, God’s Wisdom, or the Higher Power” and “Ki” which is “Life-force Energy”.
Reiki Source

Dr. Usui taught that the body is more than a collection of functioning parts. Therefore that everything, including the body and its organs, generates an energy frequency – our life-force energy. If your life force energy is low or blocked, you are more likely to get sick. As a result bringing on symptoms of injury, illness and disease. Your health and well-being is maintained when your life-force energy is high and balanced. Reiki helps restore energy balance. Consequently this balance helps maintain the normal and healthy functioning of your body, mind and spirit. Life-force energy is given to your body where it is needed by Reiki. So it assists the body in breaking up energy blockages, promoting healing and eliminating symptoms of dis-ease. It is deeply relaxing.
Reiki is a way of natural healing that uses various rates of energy to heal. Therefore the energy is electro-magnetic in nature and can work on any level – physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. In its simplest explanation, Reiki includes elements of other complementary and alternative healing practices – such as spiritual healing, acupuncture, auras, crystals, chakra balancing, homeopathy, meditation and naturopathy. Most of all it involves the change of energy from energy healer to client. Consequently helping the natural ability of the body to heal itself through the balancing of energy.
The origin principle teachings of Reiki include a life of balance and promote spiritual growth.
Reiki is not a religion. Nor is it based on any particular religious doctrine. Also Reiki does not infringe on anyone’s beliefs or personal values. People of many different faiths have discovered the life-energies Reiki offers.