Visit the Southern Suburbs Holistic Festival.
Join us this Public Holiday for a day of relaxation, healing, soul food, and much more.

Acudetox Festival PamphletMeet us at our table to learn more of AcuDetox and it’s many benefits; and to book your personal session with us.

A meeting place of Psychics, Mediums, Crystals, Healers, Clairvoyants, Dream-Catchers, Rain-Sticks, Sun Catchers, Yoga, Meditation, Labyrinth all things mystical and magical.

Festival Venue

Held at the Observatory Community Center (Observatory, Cape Town).
Time: 9am to 4pm

Bring a blanket for a little picnic in the park.
All day breakfast, pancakes, pizzas, breads, pastries, shwarmas, curries, chili bites, samosas.
Enjoy vegan, vegetarian, and Banting with love from the food court.

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