Root Cause the extraordinary, personal 10-year long journey of self-discovery of Australian film-maker Frazer Bailey to identify the cause of his panic attacks, anxiety, chronic fatigue, nausea, dizziness, agitation, insomnia, and depression.

Root Cause The MovieThe 72-minute film reveals how cancer, heart conditions and other serious illnesses are caused by asymptomatic infections inside root canals or in the empty spaces left behind after a wisdom tooth extraction.

Demands (Threats?) to withdraw the film, which exposes perhaps one of the world’s greatest medical industry cover-ups, from the public domain. Resulted in Netflix removing it from there library within a couple of months of its launch.

The American Association of Endodontists (AAE), American Dental Association (ADA), and American Association of Dental Research (AADR) all ‘requested’ Netflix remove the film ‘because it’s so misleading’.

Root Cause Claims

Root Cause is a documentary featuring expert opinions from cutting edge doctors and dentists from around the world. They all expose the true health effects of the root canal procedure. Describing it as one of the root causes of cancer, heart disease, and chronic illness. The film includes claims. Such as “Ninety-eight per cent of women that have breast cancer. Have a root canal tooth on the same side as their offending breast cancer.”

“Ninety-eight percent of women that have breast cancer have a root canal tooth. On the same side as their offending breast cancer.” – Root Cause

The doctors all describe determining the root cause of their patients’ dis-eases and ailments to the infections hidden in the mouth of the patient following root canal treatments or removal of wisdom teeth.  These practitioners are mostly pioneers and leaders in their fields of medicine.

Make time to watch the movie and draw your own conclusions in the debate.

Watch on iTunes or Vimeo – Buy or Rent

If you really need the alternate … watch here.