Rinus Le Roux Grow up in a small South African North West town, of Afrikaans middle aged parents. This fueled Rinus le Roux longing to understand what the meaning of life was, and inspired him to develop a big game mentality.

At age 13 he read Richard Bach’s book “Illusions”. It was the quote “Here is a test to find whether your mission on earth is completed. If you are alive, it isn’t!” written on the back of the book that changed his life forever. He knew then that he had come to came to this planet to make a difference.

He acknowledges that he never really fitted into any ‘standard’ social mould. His persistence in questioning the values and principals of his time alienated Rinus and the only label he was willing to wear was the one of a “thinker” – a label which came with its own challenges.

Read his book, Personal Greatness.

Personal Greatness
Personal Greatness – Click to buy your copy Now!

In 1995, Rinus dedicated his life to development of world class self-mastery concepts and programmes, establishing the UCAN Institute. Continually adding value to the consciousness from a humble point of self-discovery he has now written 8 books, and as a public speaker has spoken to hundreds of thousands of people.

Le Roux truly enjoy working with the minds and hearts of all people. He says “My greatest pleasure is to part with some of the knowledge I have gained to people who wish to live meaningful lives and develop themselves.” “My life becomes meaningful if I get the opportunity to show other people how great they can be.”

Rinus le Roux speaks, trains, researches and writes on topics related to human potential as well as spiritual intelligence.