Epigenetics literally means “above genetics”. It is the study of cellular and physiological traits (biological mechanisms), or the external and environmental factors, that turn our genes on and off. In turn defining how our cells actually read those genes. It works to see the true potential of the human mind, and the cells in our body.

Several lifestyle factors have been identified that might modify epigenetic patterns. These include diet, obesity, physical activity, tobacco smoking, alcohol consumption, environmental pollutants, psychological stress, and working on night shifts.

Analogy of Epigenetics

‘Here’s an analogy that might further help you to understand what epigenetics is.
Think of the human lifespan as a very long movie. The cells would be the actors and actresses, essential units that make up the movie. DNA, in turn, would be the script — instructions for all the participants of the movie to perform their roles.

Subsequently, the DNA sequence would be the words on the script, and certain blocks of these words that instruct key actions or events to take place would be the genes. The concept of genetics would be like screenwriting. Follow the analogy so far? Great. The concept of epigenetics, then, would be like directing. The script can be the same, but the director can choose to eliminate or tweak certain scenes or dialogue, altering the movie for better or worse. After all, Steven Spielberg’s finished product would be drastically different than Woody Allen’s for the same movie script, wouldn’t it?’ (From whatisepigenetics.com)

Researchers had found that chronic exposure to a stress hormone causes modifications to DNA in the brains of mice. This prompting changes in gene expression. In recent years researchers have learned that trauma can be inherited due to changes in DNA, and that “The effects of trauma which can be transmitted to the offspring can be reversed by a positive experience.”

Biologist, Dr Bruce Lipton argues that DNA is more plastic than we are lead to believe. He holds, pointing to epigenetics as evidence to his claim, that mutations are not random and that we do have control over our genomes.


Epigenetics has the potential to change your life by making you happier and healthier, with a greater sense of spiritual well-being.

References: www.nih.gov and www.scientificamerican.com