Toxins in the human body, are anything that interferes with normal physiology and impacts bodily functions in a negative way. They come from the food we consume, the products we use and in the water we drink. They also come from traumatic (toxic) events where we have experienced excessive fear, pain, disappointment, loss, etc. in our lives.
Toxins interact with human physiology and is a problem for humans. Build-up causes diseases. Doctors noticed almost two hundred years ago that toxins like mercury were causing “mad hatter disease.” It was also known that toxin from leaded water pipes was a leading cause of the decline of the Roman Empire.
The bombardment of toxins that we are exposed to everyday manifests in different health problems for each of us. Some symptoms related to toxicity are allergies, headaches, low energy, depression, constipation, diarrhea, digestive problems, anxiety, and skin issues.
Toxins And Health
Toxins can affect our health in many ways. Some can kill the friendly bacteria in our guts, block oxygen from binding to red blood cells, interfere with DNA synthesis, block enzymes the body needs for normal functions or block absorption of vitamins and minerals. When they build up in our tissues and cells faster than they can be eliminated, bioaccumulation occurs. The toxins that remain circulating in our bodies can cause irritation and damage. When toxins are accompanied by other toxins in the same environment, they can cause further damage.
Endotoxins vs. Exotoxins:
Endotoxins are toxic substances bound to our bacterial cell wall and released when the bacterium ruptures. Ammonia, uric acid, lactic acid, and homocysteine are a part of the endotoxin category. Uric acid lingering in our bodies – not being released – results in Gout, for example. These substances are waste products from our cell’s normal activities.
Exotoxins are toxins secreted by a bacteria. They can cause major damage by destroying cells or disrupting normal cellular metabolism in the host that carries them. These substances are human-made toxins or chemicals that we are exposed to unknowingly, or willingly. They are found in processed foods, food packaging, prescription drugs, synthetic clothes, carpets (especially synthetic wall-to-wall carpet), building materials, house paint, mattresses, vinyl shower curtains, air fresheners, household cleaning products, cosmetic and skin-care products, perfumes, consumer products, emissions from cars and trucks, car interiors and tap water.
Basically, there are eight ways toxins damage our bodies.
- Toxins poison enzymes so they don’t work properly undermining countless bodily functions. E.g lowering the body’s capacity to prevent the free-radical damage, that accelerates aging.
- Toxins displace structural minerals, resulting in weaker bones. This has a twofold effect: weaker skeletal structures and increased toxins, released by bone loss, which circulates throughout the body.
- Toxins damage nearly all your organs and systems. If your digestive tract, liver, and kidneys are so damaged they are unable to detox effectively, your body will remain toxic.
- Toxins damage DNA, which increases the rate of aging and degeneration. Many commonly used pesticides, phthalates, improperly detoxified estrogens, and products containing benzene damage DNA.
- Toxins modify gene expression. Many activate or suppress our genes in undesirable ways. Our genes switch off and on to adapt to changes in our bodies and the outer environment.
- Toxins damage cell membranes so they don’t respond properly. Damage to cell membranes prevents them from getting important messages. E.g.: Insulin not signaling the cells to absorb more sugar, or muscle cells not responding to the message from magnesium to relax.
- Toxins induce, inhibit, mimic, and block hormones causing imbalances. E.g.: Arsenic disrupts thyroid hormone receptors on the cells, resulting in inexplicable fatigue.
- The more toxins you have burdening your body, the greater the damage to your body’s detoxification pathways. When you are very toxic and desperately need to detoxify (to address health issues), it’s harder to do than when you are not toxic.
The body is designed to get rid of toxicity through our liver, kidneys, and intestines. When these three main pathways aren’t functioning properly, toxins exit through our skin and lungs. Acne, skin rashes and chronic fatigue are just a few signs that our bodies are backed up with toxins. Since toxins are everywhere, it’s nearly impossible to eliminate all toxicity from our lives. However, it is possible to reduce our exposure to toxins.
Having healthy detox organs and detox pathways means that you then can readily release toxins from your body.
Tips to Avoid Toxins
- The major source of chemicals and toxins comes from our food. Avoid processed foods – they are processed with chemicals – and inorganic meat and animal products, and artificial food additives of all kinds, including artificial sweeteners and MSG.
- Use natural cleaning products, including shampoo, toothpaste, antiperspirants, and cosmetics. Bicarbonate of Soda, Vinegar, and Hydrochloride easily replace most chemical products.
- Avoid artificial air fresheners, tumble-dryer sheets, fabric softeners or other synthetic fragrances.
- Get plenty of safe sun exposure to boost your vitamin D levels and your immune system.
- Drink fresh spring water or filtered water.
Signs that you have a high toxin load.
Toxins can cause or contribute to chronic fatigue, body odour, insomnia, food or chemical sensitivities and headaches. If you are suffering from these symptoms and your doctor can’t find a cause, toxins may be a factor.
- Consistent fatigue: This could be a sign that your body is working too hard to get rid of the toxins you’re pouring into it. That fatigue could also be in response to hormone disruptors that are zapping your immune system.
- Stubborn weight gain: Our natural hormone function can be greatly affected by the toxins in our foods and personal care products. You need a complete detox of your diet and personal care routine to give your body a fighting chance.
- Bad breath: In the absence of teeth or gum problems, bad breath is often related to digestive problems, but it can also mean that your liver is struggling to get rid of the toxins in your body.
- Constipation: The gastrointestinal (GI) tract provides one of several routes of toxin elimination. GI problems can both cause and result from toxins. People with a heavy toxic burden may experience poor digestion, stomach upset, constipation, ulcers, hemorrhoids, and diverticulitis. These also bring about cause headaches, aches and pains, and tiredness.
- Skin reactions: The skin is another means of toxin elimination, and skin problems such as acne, rashes, eczema and psoriasis and other skin problems are common in those who have excessive amounts of toxins in their bodies.
- Inflammatory Conditions: Toxins in the body may initiate or exacerbate inflammatory conditions that bring about conditions such as heart disease, Alzheimer’s, psoriasis, asthma, and arthritis, among others.
- Cognitive Function: Compromised cognitive ability often results from systemic toxic overload. Memory loss, foggy thinking and mood changes can occur due to toxic overload. Symptoms mimicking dementia – even in young adults – are sometimes observed in those with heavy metal toxicity.
- Hormone Imbalances: Hormone changes, fluctuations, or imbalances can cause migraines and headaches in women and men alike. Xenoestrogens are a type of toxin that is becoming more prevalent in the environment; these are synthetic agents that act like estrogen in the body. Xenoestrogens can cause hormone imbalances in women, leading to symptoms of PMS and endometriosis, and in men, leading to elevated levels of estrogen and lower sperm counts.
Daily Routine to Reduce Your Toxic Load.
- Support your liver with things like dandelion tea, parsley, cilantro, and milk thistle.
- Drink more water – it helps flush toxins out of your body.
- Exercise at least 30 minutes a day. Exercise gets the circulation moving, which stimulates the endocrine system, helping to move toxins along.
- Get a good daily supply of digestion-supportive probiotics, found in kefir, yogurt, sauerkraut, Kombucha tea, miso soup, tempeh, and kim chi.
- Always brush your tongue – even better, use a tongue scraper – when brushing your teeth.
- Practice deep breathing – we get rid of a lot of the toxins in our bodies through our lungs. Don’t smoke!
- Use only natural skin care products that are free of fragrances, sulfates, phthalates, parabens, and other potentially toxic ingredients, and always read labels.
AcuDetox is particularly helpful in releasing and helping the body stimulate and revive the function of the organs that eliminate the body’s toxic waste.